Monday, January 28, 2013

northern Minnesota visit

Grand Marais to be specific.  See the forecast below.  Wouldn't you know we arrive on the 1degree day....

Saturday, January 19, 2013

X37b Space Plane - latest

from Weird Warp:

Mihai's article at Weird Warp raises interesting questions about x37b's missions, and what it can or cannot do relative to other approaches for getting stuff back and forth from orbit.

The apparent success of the form-factor of the x37b leads me to hope that similar approaches will turn out eventually to be economically feasible for the emerging private space industry.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

why are species endangered?

Its a disappointment-filled irony that we are investing so much in research on artificial intelligence, robotics, and similar technologies while watching species, including "charismatic megafauna", become so endangered.

Its also heartening to see technology being applied to help address the problem, for example, drones being deployed to help save white rhinos -

I'm happy to see continued investment on the robotics/AI front, but I very much want to see increased focus and investment to help make sure we minimize the losses in our natural world.  Every loss is poignant and I believe future generations will be aghast at what we're allowing to happen.   Even if the wild dreams of science fiction come true and we can re-create lost life in the future, what is happening now, especially at our hands, is shameful.