Saturday, January 15, 2011

sunset on mars

An old-ish photo (2005) but I recently discovered it.  I really like it and its now my desktop wallpaper.  Boggles my mind to see the kind of photos that NASA is returning from various spots in the Solar System.   In this case, thanks to the rover Spirit...

mars sunset

Monday, January 10, 2011

more on climate change denial

Haven't written too much lately on climate change, but I do like to post links to reasoned analysis especially where it applies to debunking debunkers.

A good example is an article at  entitled:  "Forbes’ rich list of nonsense" - talking about a recent article in Forbes.   Here is the article on -

Thanks to boingboing for publicizing it:

And from World Resources, an evocative photo:

Sunday, January 02, 2011

warm-starting 2011

So, a little walk in Arlington, yesterday, on the bike path.  What a day.

Bike Path

Spy Pond